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Cairanne Cultural heritage

Templar Tower

According to the oral tradition, this building is called the Templars tower. But there is no evidence of the presence of this religious and military order in Cairanne in the 13th century. Let us recall that this order was dissolved in 1313. In 1320, Cairanne joined the Comtat Venaissin area belonging to the Vatican in Rome. However a castle or a watchtower well existed since it had to be repaired in 1363. The Comtat Venaissin had a simplified military organization: a few hundreds of mercenaries stationed in Avignon. Therefore the inhabitants of the villages get organized to defend themselves: watch day and night, protection of the remparts and gate monitoring during periods of disorders and this until the Revolution of 1789. Today remain only one massive building and a small watchtower used as a bell tower. A clock has been existing since 1702. The “campanile” is very simple. Formerly town hall, school for boys then a residence in the 19th century, this building is used today for exhibitions or weddings.

Comtat Venaissin : it was the former name of this Provence area which belonged to the Popes until the French Revolution (1789)