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Cairanne Cultural Heritage

Specimen tree
Osage Orange tree
Or Maclura Auriantaca

This tree reminds us an old and important business in the South East of France: the rearing of silk worms.
In Cairanne, every farm had its own breeding and there was a significant one at the so called “magnanerie”.
This tree belongs to the family of mulberry trees. Their leaves only provide the silkworm’s food. In the year 1824, after a late frost, the mulberry tree leaves were no longer useful. The Osage tree stronger than the mulberry tree appeared to be the only alternative to feed the silkworms. The Orange trees were planted all over the area.
At the turn of the 20th century, the silkworm rearing decreased and stopped by the end of WW1 (1918).
Going up to the chapel St Roch, we can see a mulberry tree on the right.

Origin: East of United States
Etymology: Osage Indian Tribe
Fruit: Kind of yellow-green orange (see below)
“Magnanerie” : a building in a farm dedicated to the rearing of silkworms